Mosaic Trails


The Edenhope and Newlands Mosaic Trails are vibrant artistic initiatives celebrating the natural beauty and biodiversity of the region through community-driven art.

Edenhope Flora Reserve Mosaic Trail features a collection of 42 tiles, each beautifully adorned with depictions of local flora and fauna. These designs are inspired by the diverse species found within the Edenhope Flora Reserve, a 6-hectare pocket of remnant bushland. The trail, which offers a 1.5km loop walk, provides visitors with a chance to encounter rare species such as the endangered Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, and enjoy the serenity of this natural haven. The mosaic project, created by talented local artists, was made possible through the support of the Victorian Government's Volunteer Innovation Fund.

Newlands Mosaic Trail showcases 18 tiles, similarly adorned with flora and fauna designs reflecting the rich biodiversity of Newlands Reserve. This 258-hectare reserve offers a 5km return walk beginning at Federation Corner, leading visitors through an ever-changing landscape that reveals new wonders each season, including blooming wildflowers, abundant water birds, and rare orchids. The Newlands Mosaic Trail is a joint project with Edenhope Flora Reserve, also supported by the Volunteer Innovation Fund, bringing together community creativity and environmental appreciation.

Both trails stand as testaments to the community's dedication to preserving and celebrating the unique natural heritage of the region.

About the Edenhope Flora Reserve

The Edenhope Flora Reserve is a 6-hectare area located on Moss Street, offering visitors a glimpse of remnant bushland that supports a variety of rare bird and plant species, including the endangered Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo. This particular subspecies, the South Eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii graptogyne), is unique to South-West Victoria and South-East South Australia. These striking birds feed on Brown Stringybark seeds and nest in old River Red Gums.

The reserve features a 1.5 km loop walk, which takes about 25 minutes to complete. The natural path is narrow and uneven in some areas, with a mostly flat terrain and a few gentle inclines, making it less suitable for those using walking frames or wheelchairs.

Visitors can also enjoy a small picnic and BBQ area within the reserve, with parking available on the natural landscape.

 Edenhope Flora Reserve brochure(PDF, 9MB)

EFR MAP and Mosaic trail.jpg

About Lake Newlands walking trail

Discover the family-friendly 5 km return walk starting at Federation Corner on the raised boardwalk, leading you through the serene Newlands Lake and Boikerbert Swamp. This peaceful walk takes you through a landscape that changes with each season, offering something new to experience every time.

In spring, you'll be greeted by blooming wildflowers, while the wetlands attract an abundance of water birds. Keep an eye out for rare and endangered orchids that add to the beauty of this natural haven.

Newlands Reserve covers 258 hectares of remnant bushland, providing a perfect escape into nature for visitors of all ages.

Lake Newlands brochure(PDF, 13MB)

Newlands Reserve Map -Mosaic Trail .jpg

Apsley Bushland Reserve

Apsley Bushland Reserve offers a diverse mix of woodland environments, including red gum swamp with open grassy understory and heathy woodland featuring brown stringybark, manna gum, and yellow gum canopies with a rich shrub and herb understory. The reserve is a habitat for iconic Australian wildlife, such as kangaroos, emus, echidnas, and the Red-tailed Black Cockatoo. As you explore the reserve, especially near Newlands Lake and Boikerbert Swamp, you'll be greeted by the sounds of calling frogs. Birdwatchers can enjoy sightings of ducks, herons, eagles, spoonbills, and various woodland bird species.